Amongst other new features, SEGA and Alfa System also gave every single playable race a visual makeover for expansion pack, Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity. Here’s a quick look at how the new default designs look compared to the old ones:
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Humans:
Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity Humans:
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Newmans:
Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity Newmans:
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Casts:
Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity Casts:
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Beasts:
Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity Beasts:
No screenshots available yet.
Dumans (new to Infinity):
Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity is due out February 24th, 2011 in Japan for 5,040 yen on UMD and 4,500 yen on PlayStation Network.
Food for thought:
The Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity devblog has an interesting tidbit on the new design of the female Newman designs. Apparently, their new outfit is meant to resemble a twelve-layered ceremonial kimono. If you look around the blog, you’ll come across tons of other neat concept art, too.
Published: Oct 22, 2010 1:26 PM UTC