It’s official. Alundra and Arc the Lad will be released as PlayStation Network downloads soon. And, by soon we mean October 12 for $5.99 each. Vic Ireland, founder of Gaijinworks, posted the news on the NeoGAF forums.
He also confirmed Arc the Lad II for PlayStation Network, which will be released "in about a month, if the plan holds."
Regarding future RPG releases over PlayStation Network, Ireland said:
"It’s more a question of ‘is it worth the effort’? It’s a complete pain in the butt to get older titles licensed and ready for PSN. If they only sell 5,000 or 10,000 or something, it’s hardly worth it after everyone takes their cut. If we’re selling 20 or 30k units (which is completely reasonable for an RPG at these prices and with the PS3 installed base), and up, it makes sense to keep grinding away at the other titles we’re working on and maybe even get some PS1 content that was never localized translated for first-time release. There are lots of possibilities, but they all hinge on sales of these first few titles, since they don’t get a whole lot better than this. If these won’t sell for $5.99, nothing will."
In addition to localizing Alundra and the entire Arc the Lad on PsOne, Working Designs published Vanguard Bandits and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete.
Thanks for the tip Maddy!
Published: Oct 8, 2010 7:33 PM UTC