See the orange gauge below Lightning’s life meter? That’s a “memori”. Press L + O to call out a partner character for a brave damaging attack. If you have two bars you can dish out a HP damaging attack with L + square. The assist system is one of the new features in Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy.
Newcomer Lightning has a unique set of commands, paradigm shifts borrowed from the Final Fantasy XIII battle system. Players can switch between commando (attacker), ravager (blaster), and medic (healer) by pressing L+R. Paradigm shifts change Lightning’s brave attacks. For example, her ground attack (circle button) is smash upper as a commando, thundaga as a ravager, and cura as a healer. Lightning brings moves like ruinga, area blast, impact rush, fire, watera, and aerora to the fight. Seems like Lightning is going to be a versatile contender in Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy.
Kain comes battle ready with brave attacks such as cyclone, crash dive, and spiral blow. His HP damaging attacks include: jump, gungir, dragon fang, and sky grander. Kain’s EX move is dragon sword, an attack that absorbs damage as life.
Published: Sep 15, 2010 3:18 PM UTC