Namco Bandai has something new in store for God Eater. This week’s issue of Famitsu has info on God Eater Burst. The title is listed in the magazine’s table of contents as a PSP game.
God Eater Burst scans haven’t surfaced yet, but rest assured we’re on the “hunt” for them. (That was a terrible pun…)
D3 Publisher told us they pushed back the North American release of God Eater at E3. Maybe, they’re planning to give us God Eater Burst as God Eater instead.
Update: Unconfirmed details are circulating on 2ch and Japanese blogs. Hachimaki reports God Eater Burst is not a sequel, but an evolved version of God Eater. God Eater Burst has additional arms, a new story, characters, and Aragami, the creatures you slay in the game. Namco Bandai also rebalanced the game and brushed up the graphics.
Published: Jul 7, 2010 12:19 AM UTC