Don’t rush to import Space Invaders Extreme 2! Chances are it’s coming out overseas under the name Space Invaders Remix… soon. Nintendo of Europe sent out a massive release schedule dating Space Invaders Remix for PAL regions on June 5th.
While Square Enix occasionally publishes localized games in Europe first (remember the World Ends With You?) international releases are generally clumped close together. Also, Square Enix’s Taito published games are cheap compared to Japan. Space Invaders Extreme went for the low price of $19.99. I can’t see Square Enix charging 3,990 yen ($40) for the same game over here.
Europe’s list also has timelines for key Wii games like Punch-Out!! scheduled for release there in May. Nintendo of America gives Punch-Out!! a more specific release date, May 18. Missing on our release schedule, but exists on Europe’s is Another Code R (temporary name) which comes out there in June. Let’s hope Nintendo of America is saving the announcement for a later date. After all we’re getting Excitebots in April and it’s absent on Europe’s list.
Published: Mar 16, 2009 7:27 PM UTC