Media superstore Tsutaya is running a Metal Gear Solid tie-in promotion, but they aren’t pushing PlayStation 3 games. Tsutaya is shilling movies. Hideo Kojima’s 15 favorite movies are on display at select retailers and a product page has tidbits about how they affected the Metal Gear Solid series.
Did you know Kojima got Snake and Otocon’s real names, David and Hal, from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey? Now you do! The Octocamo, a key component of Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4, was inspired from Predator. And be sure to thank The Guns of Navarone for Metal Gear. Alistair MacLean’s tale set the stage for Metal Gear’s “sneaking mission” game concept.
Here are the fifteen movies that Kojima fancies:
The Guns of Navarone
The Great Escape
2001: A Space Odyssey
Planet of the Apes (original work)
The Deer Hunter
Dawn of the Dead
Full Metal Jacket
Die Hard
Black Hawk Down
Children of Men
Bourne Series
007 Casino Royale
Images courtesy of Tsutaya / Konami.
Published: Jan 20, 2009 6:40 AM UTC