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NIS America "Won’t Disappoint" Fans Waiting For Disgaea 2 Portable

This article is over 16 years old and may contain outdated information

Disgaea 2 is being ported for the PSP. You already know this. Right after we caught the announcement from Nippon Ichi’s head office in Japan I asked NIS America if they had any plans to bring it to us. Nao Zook, Marketing Coordinator, told us, “Well, at this moment, all I can say is that we won’t disappoint our fans who are waiting for Disgaea 2 PSP :-).” Infer what you want from the smiley face.

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Disgaea 2 Portable tacks on a bunch of new content not found in the PS2 game like a whole scenario starring Axel, the Dark Hero.


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No Disgaea port is complete without a few cameos. Disgaea 2 Portable adds at least Lord Zetta (Makai Kingdom), Prier (La Pucelle Tactics), and Mid Boss to Adell’s team.


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As we mentioned before the magichange system where monsters can transform into weapons from Disgaea 3 is also part of Disgaea 2 Portable.


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image Also it looks like Disgaea 2 Portable, well at least this version of it, may not have any multiplayer features. A quick glance on the Japanese page says the game only supports one player.


You may not be aware of this, but there are actually two versions of Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness in Japan. Originally, the  Disgaea PSP port did not have a multiplayer feature. A year later Nippon Ichi re-released it with multiplayer as budget version of Disgaea Portable. NIS America spared us this fate and just released the multiplayer ready version of Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness. This delayed the domestic release about a year, but at least we didn’t have to buy the game twice. Perhaps, the same thing will happen with Disgaea 2 Portable?


Images courtesy  of NIS America.

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