Toshinden is coming on the Wii and it barely resembles the PlayStation game that started the series. I haven’t kept up with the Toshinden mythology so I’m not sure if the futuristic anime characters link up to an overarching plot. Someone please help! The fighting system details suggest Toshinden Wii won’t be a hard game to master. Famitsu specifically mentions Tomy’s game will have simple controls. Many moves can be done with a single button which should make Toshinden more accessible. More advanced players will be able to create combos with the Combo Maker system… somehow. Details aren’t clear how attacks can be connected.
Since a release date has been announced in Japan we can’t confirm Toshinden will come to North America, but Tomy recently started publishing games on their own. Chances seem good that Tomy will publish Toshinden in North America too. While we’re waiting for more details have a look at six of the fighters.
Images courtesy of Famitsu / Tomy.
Published: Oct 21, 2008 6:11 PM UTC