The official Japanese site confirmed what plenty of people, including me, imagined. Disaster: Day of Crisis’ combat segments feel like a light gun game with a cover system. To fire your gun you point with the remote and pull the trigger with the B button. Don’t break out the Wii Zapper yet. While Disaster: Day of Crisis has arcade style shooting it has events that wouldn’t work right if the remote/nunchuck were encased in a plastic shell.
In one rescue scene you help Raymond save a person from a deadly fall by swinging the remote to grab their hand.
You raise/lower the remote in tandem with a heartbeat to perform CPR.
Videos show rapid shaking solves most crises. Want to flee from an exploding building? Shake. Caught on fire? Shake. Need to push a truck with a group of people? Well, you get the idea.
Disaster: Day of Crisis has tilt control driving too.
So Disaster: Day of Crisis is like a light gun game of the future? It’s unclear if you are on rails or if you can actively search for survivors. Either way I’m looking forward to picking up Disaster: Day of Crisis this month. I’m a sucker for light gun games and I’m interested to see how Monolith Soft plans to fill the void of original action games developed specifically for the Wii
Images courtesy of Nintendo.
Published: Sep 12, 2008 6:17 AM UTC