While the anime series is a distant memory, Sunrise has kept Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula on people’s minds through a yearly video game. The trend started on the PlayStation 2 in 2003 with the Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula: Road to the Infinity series which spans four games. This year the annual Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula game is coming out on the PSP on July 10.
Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula VS has seven tracks, eleven drivers, 19 vehicles, and 100 customizable parts to play with. Once you create the perfect machine/driver combination you can challenge a human rival through ad-hoc play or team up with time attack relay. Other modes include a team versus play, top speed attack, and the obligatory one-on-one race.
Images courtesy of Rakuten and Sunrise.
Published: Jun 4, 2008 01:59 pm