The list of PsOne classics isn’t as initially interesting probably because the titles aren’t as well known in the west. Sony put up a Mahjong game, a rudimentary baseball simulator from Hamster and Block Kuzoshi is an Arkanoid clone. Kuroi Hitomi no Noir ~ Cielgris Fantasm ~ may raise some eyebrows now that Atelier Iris reached North American shores. If the spelling of “Fantasm” didn’t tip you off, it’s a role playing game from Gust.
Dezaemon Plus is arguably the shining star on the list. If Mario Paint had a shmup creator equivalent this would be it. You can draw bullets, make music and plan levels. It’s a really unique product if you’re willing to invest time into developing shmups to share with your friends. It’s a shame Athena didn’t upgrade it with some kind of online level sharing community. If they made a LittleBigPlanet style sharing system I would be willing to pay double, maybe even triple the price for it.
Here is what you can get for 600 yen ($6):
Dezaemon Plus
Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus
Kuroi Hitomi no Noir ~ Cielgris Fantasm ~
Block Kuzoshi
WaiWai Kusayakyu
Published: Jan 30, 2008 10:33 AM UTC