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PsOne shmup creator appears on Japan’s PlayStation Store

This article is over 17 years old and may contain outdated information

The list of PsOne classics isn’t as initially interesting probably because the titles aren’t as well known in the west. Sony put up a Mahjong game, a rudimentary baseball simulator from Hamster and Block Kuzoshi is an Arkanoid clone. Kuroi Hitomi no Noir ~ Cielgris Fantasm ~ may raise some eyebrows now that Atelier Iris reached North American shores. If the spelling of “Fantasm” didn’t tip you off, it’s a role playing game from Gust.

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Dezaemon Plus is arguably the shining star on the list. If Mario Paint had a shmup creator equivalent this would be it. You can draw bullets, make music and plan levels. It’s a really unique product if you’re willing to invest time into developing shmups to share with your friends. It’s a shame Athena didn’t upgrade it with some kind of online level sharing community. If they made a LittleBigPlanet style sharing system I would be willing to pay double, maybe even triple the price for it.


Here is what you can get for 600 yen ($6):

Dezaemon Plus

Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus

Kuroi Hitomi no Noir ~ Cielgris Fantasm ~

Block Kuzoshi

WaiWai Kusayakyu

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